01 February 2023

Menton "The Freshmaker"


Sorry not sorry for the title's old-school reference; my sick mind thinks there isn't any better way to put it other than that. Methinks, Menton's seaside cool breeze did all the work (since it was not lemon season yet), bringing in the dose of freshness I needed but quite did not expect out of this trip. I had been into an incredible amount of stress due to school-works. Plus, it’s been quite a while since the last time I had been this close to a legit sea. It was thrilling to finally feel the coastal wind and watch the gulls and doves soar and float like they were exactly where they were meant to be. Tbh, I could not help but feel a little jealous of these birds, but then I’m beyond grateful for the freshness Menton has so far afforded me, which was more than enough.