03 January 2023

Barcelona: A Loud Untold

Barcelona, Spain | On my second night at this certain Barcelona hostel, I met two guys who happened to be my roommates for my stay in BCN. During the mandatory banalités, they asked me, outright, if I snore. I felt it was  unnecessary to ask that question but I didn't take offense from it anyhow. Though I felt obliged to answer, told them "I don't , for most of the time, except maybe for a few occasions when I'm dead tired". 

They both went on telling me how hard it was for them to snatch some sleep in the past nights, blah blah blah. I basically learned, in full details, how things have gone south in their previous hostel, having roommates who either snore, smell too strong, or both. With high confidence and assurance, I told them that I regularly take showers and that I'm well rested in the past few days so nothing for them to really worry about. They let out a good sigh of relief for they could finally get some sleep. 

And a good night's rest it is. 

Well, at least for them, iykwim. 

As soon as the lights were out and the curtains were closed, commenced a night-long concert performance. The two of them really battled it out, showcasing their wide vocal ranges; one whistling the highest of highs and the other hitting the lowest of lows, note-wise. In annoying punches and broken harmonies, snore gods be damned. After hours of drenching over the noise fest courtesy of them snore brothers, the deafening noise was eventually diluted by the loudness of thoughts in my head desperately screaming for sleep and for them to just.. stop. 

Disclaimer: this isn't meant to be a complaint. I'm fully aware of such risk which is an inevitable part of the cheap package. Besides, I don't mind. I found comfort in knowing that they finally had a comforting sleep after having it rough & hard in the previous nights.