25 November 2014

Kiltepan Sunrise

Although I am a huge believer of careful planning, I am as well willing, from time to time, to leave some doors to serendipity. Case in point - that Sagada trip which turned out very surprising both in positive and negative ways, after the lack of proper preparation and research. 

After the unsatisfactory Hanging Coffins splurge which was truly disappointing on so many levels, there’s no other way but to hope for a brand new adventure for the next day. To start it right was of high necessity, thus, opted to catch the symbolic sunrise at the Kiltepan Peak to invite all the positivity there is to catch and outshine all those messes and negativities we acquired thus far. But it’s hard to wake up at 4am in Sagada. It’s been too comfortable in bed to venture out into the early rising, but the thought and rush of the awaiting grandeur is too hard to ignore either. So in no time, we were calmly bathing over the muted twilight glow at dawn in the Kiltepan viewpoint over a cup of coffee beside a beaming bonfire. No doubt about it, the soothing mix of warm and cold air elicits that unique relaxation, less-guarded self-protection from the elements, and greater receptivity to the bathing breeze. Minutes later, the sun graced the morning like a concert star. 

In the end, it’s not really that hard to start the day right, even after a bad day previously. It’s not that hard to find a smile for a day, and offer it to someone dear to you, to a stranger, to the great wide sky over your head, and for that one in the mirror.