19 December 2022

Tower of Pisa now, Tower of pizza later



There was this crazy time (days before Christmas 2022, to be a bit precise) when I went on this wild-ass 10-day trip through Italy, Spain, and Portugal. It was Day 1 and I had no idea that one freakin' day in three Italian cities, mostly drunk & sleepless, would turn out damn insane. Some epic shit went down in Genoa, Pisa, and Florence; stories better told over another cold glass of beer. 

It all started with this overnight bus ride to Genoa. Man, its coastal vibes totally blew my mind as the sun rose in the grandest of ways. got a video to prove this claim 🙊 Though time was running out because I had another place to hit up (plus, there is a whole other post dedicated for that). I hustled my way to Pisa, where that in/famous leaning tower is.


When I finally reached Pisa, I was tripping balls. The Tower of Pisa, for real, was all crooked and shit, like it was playing some kind of crazy game. Of course, had to take the obligatory photos and videos for myself but here's the twist—I ended up being the unofficial photographer for many other tourists, mostly Asian families on holiday trip. I spent quite a while doing such an unexpected gig, which was vv uncharacteristic of me. Out of the blue, this other solo traveler might have noticed the hard work I had been putting in and offered to return the favor. Grateful for the gesture, I gladly accepted the offer. We switched roles and took a rad photo of me being leaned upon by the leaning tower (ykwim), only to find out later that the file was unfortunately nowhere to be found 🫤

Working hard while half-asleep, my stomach went rumbling, so I went on a mission to find some grub instead. A nearby trattoria caught my eye, stumbled my way inside, and ordered a Hawaiian delight—my pizza number 2 of the day, with all that controversial pineapple shit. Some people couldn't help but throw my way those weird looks given my unconventional choice, yet I indulged. That mix of Italian flavors with a tropical twist, paired with a Peroni, blew my drunk, sleep-deprived mind. Fact: any pizza in Italy is top-tiered at the minumum.

Feeling buzzed and ready for the next leg of my crazy-ass adventure, I stumbled my way to the train station, headed for Florence. When I hopped on that train, a wave of satisfaction washed over me. I couldn't deny the exhaustion that accompanied my journey, but damn, the pure joy and excitement interwoven into each moment made it undeniably worthwhile. Had a good nap by then.

This insane journey—from the coastal beauty of Genoa to the trippy leaning tower of Pisa and later in the artsy vibes of Florence—is now a core Euro-trip-memory. It proved time and again that indeed, going with the flow, embracing the chaos, and making the most out of every drunken moment, even the fleeting ones, is what life's all about. Arrivederci!