21 May 2023



Life isn’t easy when you’re on your own, especially being away halfway ‘round the world. Living life independently carries its risks, steering one towards potential missteps without a support system to rectify them. I am definitely not one spared from this universal crisis, getting anxious all the effin time; thinking about what lies ahead being caught in uncertainty on the idea to either continue living or finally leave Europe, given the fast-approaching end of the masters. I do have a plan for what I want to achieve, knowing pretty well all the chaos that awaits in Ph. All I need to do is stay focused and consistent to have a good leverage but easier said than done it is. Grappling with these thoughts makes such moments of introspection even more daunting and songrounding oneself becomes imperative. Moreso, accepting new challenges and enjoying the little joys while waiting  e.g. travelling. So –


So, travelling remains as my top means to let off steam due to such anxieties especially during these days. Over the weekend, I found myself walking those Dijon streets (and taking photos of such gorgeous subjects), known for its rich history and architectural heritage. Situated at the confluence of the Ouche and Suzon rivers, it has evolved from a regional transportation hub in the 9th century to the capital chosen by Robert I, duke of Burgundy in 1015. Despite facing a decline after the French Revolution, Dijon underwent revitalization with the arrival of railways in 1851, propelling it into a major communications center. Today, the city thrives as an administrative, commercial, and tourist hub, with a diverse economic landscape. Its universities, museums, and festivals contribute to a dynamic atmosphere, while industries such as food products and pharmaceuticals sustain employment. Indeed, life's journey is dynamic, requiring resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace both challenges and joys to grow and flourish just like what Dijon did, adapted to the changing times and thrived to be the charming city that it is today.. 

Hoping that we too can learn to rely more on ourselves. Especially with the challenges presented during unexpected times or when we are in solitude.