19 July 2024



In Copenhagen, biking is the best way to go around especially in the summer when the city comes alive, and more especially with the hike up in prices (the status quo perhaps). But after an extensive cycling jaunt covering majority of the primary attractions and most importnt Danish landmarks such as The King's Garden/Rosenborg Castle, The Little Mermaid, and The Round Tower, exploring the off-the-beaten-track by foot was a good aternative for  the next day.


Kicked off the day with a late breakfast at the hotel, fueling up for a laid-back but energy-requiring day ahead. It was okay but surely paled in comparison to the supposed gastronomical treat for lunch that awaits ahead, off to one of Copenhagen's top-rated spots for food trips. 

Off we go and along the way was a heavy influx of presumed Copenhageners having wild dip in the harbor, leaping from the decks, soaking up the midday sun as if they were plants doing photosynthesis. I could barely stand the heat so I couldn’t fully grasp how they manage to stay under the scorching heat. Also passed by this Mermaid statue by Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen which oddly seemed terrified, no?

Then continued taking the scenic route almost passing by the iconic Nyhavn but went right through Freetown Christiania, an independent commune in the middle of Copenhagen. The heat was relentless, making a cold beer almost mandatory. Then  continued exploring paths along the water, lined with Hobbiton-like DIY houses.

After nearly an hour of walking, we arrived at Refshaleøen, an industrial island transformed into a vibrant gastronomic and art hub. Despite the hype, the destination itself wasn't the really highlight. There were plenty of dining options, but I played it safe with some overpriced Korean food, typical of an expensive city as Copenhagen. Lunch done and still a lot of hours left to kill, I obliged for another cold drink along the route on the way. Energy still down, it was deemed necessary to just take the bus followed by a few hours of rest in Tivoli Gardens. Yes, rest. In Tivoli Gardens. 

Ended the day by finally going back to the hotel to have an actual rest. Nonetheless, the whole thing was worth the try, at least for the experience..