08 December 2015

Mt Pulag Initial Assault

It took us time and effort – from planning for the perfect date, the necessary arrangements, budgetary considerations, and the availability of ourselves, to finally make Mt. Pulag no more a dream. For some time, we were stuck on those waiting games for the stars to align and make this long overdue Pulag climb happen.

Months swiftly passed since the planning stage and the next thing we knew, we were finally climbing those very trails of that magical moss of a forest garden of floral blooms and green lush of pine trees across that sea of northern Pulag clouds. The climb per se was an easy feat as the trails were pretty clear and downright easy to recognize. But the catch – it’s unseasonably cold, with the subtle brisk of crisp air turning into a brisk wet wind swirling down on us and the trails, every now and then.

While occasionally gracing ourselves with some stops along the way to catch some breath, the temperature was further dropping as well. In between the biting cold, far ahead of us were those towering pines and woods, merging into the green distance on the slopes as if it goes on forever. Then the next thing happened; the microclimate spoke of rain showers, and true enough we had sporadic rain showers. But we continued walking those moderately slippery terrains hoping to soon reach our destination.

Soon it was time to stop as we set foot to where we were supposed to stay the night. We reached the designated camp site, luckily with the sun still up. We were able to take some photos before celebrating the climb with a sumptuous meal to end the day. In no time, tents were pinched, dinner’s served and we were more than good to go for the precious sleep. Soon it was dark, though my clock just read 17:30. And in no time I fell asleep and found that peace in all the world I badly needed.